Source code for detect_simpsons_paradox.detect_sp

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Function s
def upper_triangle_element(matrix):
    extract upper triangle elements without diagonal element

    matrix : 2d numpy array

    elements : numpy array
               A array has all the values in the upper half of the input matrix

    #upper triangle construction
    tri_upper = np.triu(matrix, k=1)
    num_rows = tri_upper.shape[0]

    #upper triangle element extract
    elements = tri_upper[np.triu_indices(num_rows,k=1)]

    return elements

def upper_triangle_df(matrix):
    extract upper triangle elements without diagonal element and store the element's
    corresponding rows and columns' index information into a dataframe

    matrix : 2d numpy array

    result_df : dataframe
               A dataframe stores all the values in the upper half of the input matrix and
               their corresponding rows and columns' index information into a dataframe
    #upper triangle construction
    tri_upper = np.triu(matrix, k=1)
    num_rows = tri_upper.shape[0]

    #upper triangle element extract
    elements = tri_upper[np.triu_indices(num_rows,k=1)]
    location_tuple = np.triu_indices(num_rows,k=1)
    result_df = pd.DataFrame({'value':elements})
    result_df['attr1'] = location_tuple[0]
    result_df['attr2'] = location_tuple[1]

    return result_df

def isReverse(a, b):
    Reversal is the logical opposite of signs matching.

    a : number(int or float)
    b : number(int or float)

    boolean value : If True turns, a and b have the reverse sign.
                    If False returns, a and b have the same sign.

    return not (np.sign(a) == np.sign(b))

[docs]def detect_simpsons_paradox(latent_df, continuousAttrs_labels=None, groupbyAttrs_labels=None ): """ A detection function which can detect Simpson Paradox happened in the data's subgroup. Parameters ----------- latent_df : dataframe data organized in a pandas dataframe containing both categorical and continuous attributes. continuousAttrs_labels : list [None] list of continuous attributes by name in dataframe, if None will be detected by all float64 type columns in dataframe groupbyAttrs_labels : list [None] list of group by attributes by name in dataframe, if None will be detected by all object and int64 type columns in dataframe Returns -------- result_df : dataframe In the result dataframe, it stores the information of the subgroup which is detected having Simpson Paradox. TODO: Clarify the return information """ # if not specified, detect continous attributes and categorical attributes # from dataset if groupbyAttrs_labels is None: groupbyAttrs = latent_df.select_dtypes(include=['object','int64']) groupbyAttrs_labels = list(groupbyAttrs) if continuousAttrs_labels is None: continuousAttrs = latent_df.select_dtypes(include=['float64']) continuousAttrs_labels = list(continuousAttrs) # Compute correaltion matrix for all of the data, then extract the upper # triangle of the matrix. # Generate the correaltion dataframe by correlation values. all_corr = latent_df[continuousAttrs_labels].corr() all_corr_df = upper_triangle_df(all_corr) all_corr_element = all_corr_df['value'].values # Define an empty dataframe for result result_df = pd.DataFrame() # Loop by group-by attributes for groupbyAttr in groupbyAttrs_labels: grouped_df_corr = latent_df.groupby(groupbyAttr)[continuousAttrs_labels].corr() groupby_value = grouped_df_corr.index.get_level_values(groupbyAttr).unique() # Get subgroup correlation for subgroup in groupby_value: subgroup_corr = grouped_df_corr.loc[subgroup] # Extract subgroup subgroup_corr_elements = upper_triangle_element(subgroup_corr) # Compare the signs of each element in subgroup to the correlation for all of the data # Get the index for reverse element index_list = [i for i, (a,b) in enumerate(zip(all_corr_element, subgroup_corr_elements)) if isReverse(a, b)] # Get reverse elements' correlation values reverse_list = [j for i, j in zip(all_corr_element, subgroup_corr_elements) if isReverse(i, j)] if reverse_list: # Retrieve attribute information from all_corr_df all_corr_info = [all_corr_df.loc[i].values for i in index_list] temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data=all_corr_info,columns=['allCorr','attr1','attr2']) # # Convert index from float to int # temp_df.attr1 = temp_df.attr1.astype(int) # temp_df.attr2 = temp_df.attr2.astype(int) print(continuousAttrs_labels) # Convert indices to attribute names for readabiity temp_df.attr1 = continuousAttrs_labels[temp_df.attr1] temp_df.attr2 = continuousAttrs_labels[temp_df.attr2] temp_df["reverseCorr"] = reverse_list len_list = len(reverse_list) # Store group attributes' information temp_df['groupbyAttr'] = [groupbyAttr for i in range(len_list)] temp_df['subgroup'] = [subgroup for i in range(len_list)] result_df = result_df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True)
return result_df