Source code for sp_data_util.SPData

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from random import randint
import random
from random import gauss
import math
import scipy.stats as stats
import string

def linear_sp(N):
    generatate synthetic data for SP in linear trends by generating
    linear data with offsets that induce SP

[docs]def simple_regression_sp(N, mu,cov): """ generate synthetic data for simplest case of group-wise SP of the regression type, generates data from $k$k clusters with centers mu each with covariance cov mu and cov must induce SP, this does not make SP happen adds 1 noisy dimensions Parameters ----------- N : scalar integer number of samples total to draw mu : k cluster centers in d dimensions locations of the clusters cov : d_1 xd_1 covariance shared covariance of all subgroup clusters """ # number rof clusters k = len(mu) # dimensions d = len(mu[0]) #generate var names var_names = ['x'+str(i+1) for i in range(d)] # sample from clusters (should accept wights and allow this to vary ie class imbalance) z = np.random.randint(0,k,N) x = np.asarray([np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[z_i],cov) for z_i in z]) # make a dataframe latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = var_names) # add a noise column x3 = np.random.normal(0, 10, N) latent_df['x_n'] = x3 # code z as color and add that as a column to the dataframe color_z = {0:'r', 1:'b'} latent_df['color'] = [color_z[z_i] for z_i in z]
return latent_df
[docs]def noise_regression_sp(N, mu,cov,d_noise): """ generate synthetic data for simplest case of group-wise SP of the regression type, generates data from $k$k clusters with centers mu each with covariance cov mu and cov must induce SP, this does not make SP happen adds d_noise noisy dimensions Parameters ----------- N : scalar integer number of samples total to draw mu : k cluster centers in d dimensions locations of the clusters cov : d_1 xd_1 covariance shared covariance of all subgroup clusters """ # number rof clusters k = len(mu) # dimensions d = len(mu[0]) + d_noise #generate var names var_names = ['x'+str(i+1) for i in range(d)] # add noise dimensions to mu and cov mu = np.append(mu,np.zeros([k,d_noise]),axis = 1) cov = np.vstack([np.hstack([cov,np.zeros([d_noise,d_noise])]), np.hstack([np.zeros([d_noise,d_noise]),np.eye(d_noise)])]) # sample from clusters (should accept wights and allow this to vary ie class imbalance) z = np.random.randint(0,k,N) x = np.asarray([np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[z_i],cov) for z_i in z]) # make a dataframe latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = var_names) # add a noise column x3 = np.random.normal(0, 10, N) latent_df['x_n'] = x3 # code z as color and add that as a column to the dataframe color_z = {0:'r', 1:'b'} latent_df['color'] = [color_z[z_i] for z_i in z]
return latent_df
[docs]def mixed_regression_sp_extra(N, mu,cov,extra,p=None): """ generate synthetic data for simplest case of group-wise SP of the regression type mu and cov must induce SP, this does not make SP happen adds 1 noisy dimensions and an interacting char attribute Parameters ----------- N : scalar integer number of samples total to draw mu : k cluster centers in d dimensions locations of the clusters cov : d_1 xd_1 covariance shared covariance of all subgroup clusters extra : scalar number of extra variables ot add. p : vector length k probability of each cluster """ k = len(mu) # sample from clusters z = np.random.choice(k,N,replace=True,p=p) x = np.asarray([np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[z_i],cov) for z_i in z]) # make a dataframe latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = ['x1', 'x2']) # add in the cluster id latent_df['cluster'] = [z_i for z_i in z] # add extra continuous column for i in range(extra): attrName = "con_" + str(i) y = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.normal(0, 100, N),columns=[attrName]) latent_df = pd.concat([latent_df, y], axis=1) # add extra categorical column for i in range(extra): attrName = "cat_" + str(i) y = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.choice(100,N),columns=[attrName]) latent_df = pd.concat([latent_df, y], axis=1)
return latent_df def random_with_N_digits(n): range_start = 10**(n-1) range_end = (10**n)-1 return randint(range_start, range_end)
[docs]def generateDataset(N, numClu, numExtra): """ generate synthetic dataset for time experiments Parameters -------------- N : scalar total samples to draw numClu: number of clusters numberOfExtraColumn: number of extra categorical columns and continuous columns """ # generate numClu mu_x and mu_y for sampling data from numClu clusters # create first two mu mu = np.asarray([[1,1],[5,5]]) # generate rest of the mu for i in range(numClu - 2): mu_x = random_with_N_digits(2); variance = 1000 mu_y = gauss(mu_x, math.sqrt(variance)) mu_new = np.asarray([mu_x,mu_y]) mu = np.append(mu,[mu_new],axis=0) cov = [[.6,-1],[0,.6]] # generate the data set latent_df = mixed_regression_sp_extra(N,mu,cov,[.7,.3], numExtra)
return latent_df def mixed_regression_sp(N, mu,cov,p): """ generate synthetic data for simplest case of group-wise SP of the regression type mu and cov must induce SP, this does not make SP happen adds 1 noisy dimensions and an interacting char attribute Parameters ----------- N : scalar integer number of samples total to draw mu : k cluster centers in d dimensions locations of the clusters cov : d_1 xd_1 covariance shared covariance of all subgroup clusters """ k = len(mu) # sample from clusters (should accept wights and allow this to vary ie class imbalance) z = np.random.randint(0,k,N) x = np.asarray([np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[z_i],cov) for z_i in z]) # make a dataframe latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = ['x1', 'x2']) # add a noise column x3 = np.random.normal(0, 10, N) latent_df['x3'] = x3 # code z as color and add that as a column to the dataframe color_z = {0:'r', 1:'b'} latent_df['color'] = [color_z[z_i] for z_i in z] # add a sub group, character that interacts with color based on p char_zy = {0: {0:'x', 1:'o'}, 1:{0:'o', 1:'x'}} y = np.random.choice([0,1],N,p=p) latent_df['y'] = y latent_df['char'] = [char_zy[zi][yi] for zi,yi in zip(z,y)] return latent_df """ # for making more complex interactions, should be its own generator will use abo """ def regression_corr(N, mu,cov): """ generate synthetic data for simplest case of group-wise SP of the regression type mu and cov must induce SP, this does not make SP happen adds 1 noisy dimensions Parameters ----------- N : scalar integer number of samples total to draw mu : k cluster centers in d dimensions locations of the clusters cov : d_1 xd_1 covariance shared covariance of all subgroup clusters """ k = len(mu) # sample from clusters (should accept wights and allow this to vary ie class imbalance) z = np.random.randint(0,k,N) x = np.asarray([np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[z_i],cov) for z_i in z]) # make a dataframe latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = ['x1', 'x2']) # add a noise column x3 = np.random.normal(0, 10, N) latent_df['x3'] = x3 # code z as color and add that as a column to the dataframe color_z = {0:'r', 1:'b'} latent_df['color'] = [color_z[z_i] for z_i in z] return latent_df def means_with_spread(mu_mu,cov,k): """ sample k means from a gaussian distribution and downsample with a SE kernel for a point process-like effect Parameters ----------- mu_mu : 2vector center of means cov : 2x2 covariance matrix for means k : scalar number of means to return Returns ------- mu_sort : vector [2,k] means sorted by distance """ # define a sampling function so that we can sample jointly instead of next_sample = lambda: np.random.multivariate_normal(mu_mu, cov) # we'll use a gaussian kernel around each to filter # only the closest point matters # scale here probably should be set to help provide guarantees dist = lambda mu_c,x: stats.norm.pdf(min(np.sum(np.square(mu_c -x),axis=1))) # keep the first one mu = [next_sample()] p_dist = [1] while len(mu) <= k: m = next_sample() p_keep = 1- dist(mu,m) if p_keep > .99: mu.append(m) p_dist.append(p_keep) mu = np.asarray(mu) # sort by distance mu_sort, p_sort = zip(*sorted(zip(mu,p_dist), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse =True)) return mu_sort
[docs]def geometric_2d_gmm_sp(r_clusters,cluster_size,cluster_spread,p_sp_clusters, domain_range,k,N,p_clusters=None): """ Sample from a gaussian mixture model with Simpson's Paradox and spread means return data in a data fram r_clusters : scalar [0,1] correlation coefficient of clusters cluster_size : 2 vector variance in each direction of each cluster cluster_spread : scalar [0,1] pearson correlation of means p_sp_clusters : scalar in [0,1] portion of clusters with SP p_clusters : vector in [0,1)^k, optional probabilty of membership of a sample in each cluster (controls relative size of clusters) default is [1.0/k]*k for uniform domain_range : [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] planned region for points to be in, means will be in middle 80% k : integer number of clusters N : scalar number of points """ # if not defined, set uniform cluster probaiblity if p_clusters is None: p_clusters = [1.0/k]*k # sample the data x, z = data_only_geometric_2d_gmm(r_clusters,cluster_size,cluster_spread, p_sp_clusters, domain_range,k,N,p_clusters) # make a dataframe latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = ['x1', 'x2']) # code cluster as color and add it a column to the dataframe latent_df['color'] = z
return latent_df
[docs]def geometric_indep_views_gmm_sp(d,r_clusters,cluster_size,cluster_spread,p_sp_clusters, domain_range,k,N,p_clusters=None): """ Sample from a gaussian mixture model with Simpson's Paradox and spread means return data in a data fram d : integer number of independent views, groups of 3 columns with sp r_clusters : scalar [0,1] or list of d correlation coefficient of clusters cluster_size : 2 vector or list of d variance in each direction of each cluster cluster_spread : scalar [0,1] list of d pearson correlation of means p_sp_clusters : scalar in [0,1] list of d portion of clusters with SP p_clusters : vector in [0,1)^k, optional or list of d vectors probabilty of membership of a sample in each cluster (controls relative size of clusters) default is [1.0/k]*k for uniform domain_range : [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] list of d planned region for points to be in, means will be in middle 80% k : integer or list of d number of clusters N : scalar number of points, shared across all views """ # if not defined, set uniform cluster probaiblity if p_clusters is None: p_clusters = [1.0/k]*k # make inputs lists if not sclar_to_list = lambda x: [x]*d # if float, make d list by repeats if type(r_clusters) in [float, int]: r_clusters = sclar_to_list(r_clusters) if type(cluster_spread) in [float, int]: cluster_spread = sclar_to_list(cluster_spread) if type(p_sp_clusters) in [float, int]: p_sp_clusters = sclar_to_list(p_sp_clusters) if type(k) is int: k = sclar_to_list(k) if type(p_clusters[0]) in [float, int]: p_clusters = sclar_to_list(p_clusters) if type(cluster_size[0]) in [float, int]: cluster_size = sclar_to_list(cluster_size) if type(domain_range[0]) in [float, int]: domain_range = sclar_to_list(domain_range) x = [] z = [] for r,c_std,c_sp,p_sp, d_r,k,rho in zip(r_clusters,cluster_size,cluster_spread,p_sp_clusters, domain_range,k,p_clusters): # sample the data x_tmp, z_tmp = data_only_geometric_2d_gmm(r,c_std,c_sp,p_sp, d_r,k,N,rho) x.append(x_tmp) z.append(z_tmp) col_names = ['x'+ str(i+1) for i in range(d*2)] # make a dataframe x = np.append(*x,axis=1) latent_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns = col_names ) #cluster naming will be name the columns: A, B, ... # valuses will be A1, A2, ..., Ak... z_names = list(string.ascii_uppercase[:d]) # code cluster as and add it a column to the dataframe for z_i,name in zip(z,z_names): latent_df[name] = [name + str(z_ii) for z_ii in z_i]
return latent_df
[docs]def data_only_geometric_2d_gmm(r_clusters,cluster_size,cluster_spread,p_sp_clusters, domain_range,k,N,p_clusters): """ private, sampler only, returns raw variables, utily for sharing in other samplers Sample from a gaussian mixture model with Simpson's Paradox and spread means r_clusters : scalar [0,1] correlation coefficient of clusters cluster_size : 2 vector variance in each direction of each cluster cluster_spread : scalar [0,1] pearson correlation of means p_sp_clusters : scalar in [0,1] portion of clusters with SP p_clusters : vector in [0,1)^k, optional probabilty of membership of a sample in each cluster (controls relative size of clusters) default is [1.0/k]*k for uniform domain_range : [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] planned region for points to be in, means will be in middle 80% k : integer number of clusters N : scalar number of points """ # define distribution for means, using the range provided mu_mu = [np.mean(domain_range[:2]),np.mean(domain_range[2:])] # first set correlation mat for means mu_sign = - np.sign(r_clusters) corr = [[1, mu_sign*cluster_spread],[mu_sign*cluster_spread,1]] # use a trimmed range to comput std mu_trim = .2 mu_transform = np.repeat(np.diff(domain_range)[[0,2]]*(mu_trim),2) mu_transform[[1,3]] = mu_transform[[1,3]]*-1 # sign flip every other mu_domain = [d + m_t for d, m_t in zip(domain_range,mu_transform)] d = np.sqrt(np.diag(np.diff(mu_domain)[[0,2]])) # construct covariance from correlation mu_cov =,corr).dot(d) # sample means mu = means_with_spread(mu_mu,mu_cov,k) # create cluster covariances for SP and not SP cluster_std = np.diag(np.sqrt(cluster_size)) cluster_corr_sp = np.asarray([[1,r_clusters],[r_clusters,1]]) # correlation with sp cluster_cov_sp =,cluster_corr_sp).dot(cluster_std) #cov with sp cluster_corr = np.asarray([[1,-r_clusters],[-r_clusters,1]]) #correlation without sp cluster_cov =,cluster_corr).dot(cluster_std) #cov wihtout sp cluster_covs = [cluster_corr_sp, cluster_corr] # sample the[0,1] k times to assign each cluster to SP or not c_sp = np.random.choice(2,k,p=[p_sp_clusters,1-p_sp_clusters]) # sample from a GMM z = np.random.choice(k,N,p_clusters) # sample data using the cluster assignments z, means and cluster covariances x = np.asarray([np.random.multivariate_normal(mu[z_i], cluster_covs[c_sp[z_i]]) for z_i in z])
return x,z